
Mood Today

Today not so in good mood, 1st I has make my be lover angry yesterday night, Is my mistake make him feel like no " An Quan Gan", and also not good sleep yesterday, hold day feel like so down. want to eat also feel like no "wei kou". today center so free, not that much of customer, so i cant easily to done all my work, but i feel very "fan" because got 2 customer complain at Umobile service center and talking very rude, one of the customer keep complain here for almost an hour and keep shouting at here, he was disturb all the staff and customer. what the hell and make me feel scare and cant focus on my job. Haiz.... moody... feel like don't want talk to anyone, what the hell am i.. Moody moody moody~ can u pls get out from me, i dun wan u!!!!

